Animals as source of medicine.

Animals as Source of Medicine 

  • Drugs are very useful for humans because they are used to treat various disorders.

  • Drugs are obtained from various sources like plant, chemical, and other biochemical ways.

  • Various animals are also used as a source of medicine.

  • It is also true that Various animals are used to extract the various drugs.

  • The drugs that are prepared from the animal, have a good response without affecting the life of mankind.

  • The animals that are used in the extraction of drugs are Guinea pig, dogs,mice, rats ,monkeys etc. Besides this, there are so many medicine oriented animals.

  • Leech is an  animal. A chemical called Hirudin is extracted from leeches.

  • It  retards the coagulation property of blood. It is used as an anticoagulant in surgical operations. 

  • Extract of leech is also used in treatment of asthma and rhino-Pharyngitis.

  • The silkpod of Mulberry silkworm, Bombyx morai, is used as a tonic and gives effective results in abnormal menstruation and Leucorrhoea.

  • Flesh of Apple snail, Pila globosa is used for sore eyes in south India.

  • Sea muscles are used in the manufacture of vitamin products. 

  • Cuttle fish is used as antacids and sedative.

  • Cobra venom is used in treatment of Ascites when it is given with fresh juice of sugarcane.

  • Small dose of cobra venom is used to treat neuritis,nerve leprosy, hemorrhage of retina and other types of internal bleeding. 

  • Cobroxin is diluted cobra venom it is used to treat certain types of cancer.

  • Cobra cardiotoxin has been reported to be very beneficial in bronchial asthma, arthritis, sciatica.

  • Viper venom is used as a homeostatic agent in hemophilia and also used in dental surgery.

  • A non toxic protein has been isolated from Russell viper called stypven, used in anticoagulant therapy.

  • Oil that is extracted from birds, is very useful in rheumatism. 

  • The oil of hornbill is used to cure the gout. Insulin is extracted from the pancreas of cows and pigs.

  • The anti rabies vaccine is extracted from the brain of sheep. 

  • Heparin is isolated from the liver of animals. It is an anticoagulant and used in coronary thrombosis.
