NEET : Multiple Choice Questions: Structure of Ovule, Development of female gametophyte or embryo sac and Megasporogenesis

Structure of Ovule, Development of female gametophyte and  Megasporogenesis 

1. Word "Megasporagium" is used for the 
A. Pistil   B. Ovule  
C. Ovary D. Anther 
Anser : B Explanation

2. Which of the following pair is correct match.
A. Syncarpous : Free Carpel
B. Apocarpous : Fused  Carpel
C. Ovule : Basal & bulged part of pistil
D. Ovarian cavity : locule
Answer: C Explanation 

3. How many statement is / are Incorrect.
1. Orchid has single ovule in Ovary.
2. Ovule is attached to placenta by means of Funicle.
3. The protective envelope of ovule is called hilum.  
4.  Integents covers nucellus completely without leaving any opening. 
A. One    B. Two
C. Three  D. Four 
Answer : A Explanation 

4. Hilum is a junction between
A. Ovule and Ovary
B. Ovule and  Funicle
C. Funicle and Ovary
D.Funicle and Ovule 
Answer: B Explanation 

5.Integuments encircles nucellus completely except a small opening called
B. Chalaza
C. Hilum              
D. Funicle 
Answer  : A Explanation 

6. Match the list:  
A. Chalaza  1.Basal part of                           ovule
B.Nucellus   2.Cells of                                  integument
C.Embryosc  3.female                                gametophyte  
D.Funicle     4. Stalk of                                ovule
      A       B     C     D
A.   1       2     3      4
B.   1       3     2      4
C.   1       4     3      2
D.   1      3      4      2
Answer : A Explanation

7. Consider the following statement and select the correct code:
1. An ovule generally  may have one or more embryo sac.
2. Megasporegenesis refer the formation of embryo sac from the microspore mother cell.
A. Only 1   B. Only 2 
C. Both 1 and 2 
D. Neither 1 nor 2 
Answer : D Explanation 

8. Which one of the following statement is not correct.
A. Megaospore mother cell is large cell with dense cytoplasm and a prominent nucleus. 
B. Megaspore mother cell divides mitosis and four megaspore.
C. Cells of nucellus have abundant reserve good materials.
D. Megaspore mother cell is differentiated at micropyle region of the nucellus.
Answer :  B Explanation 

9. Which of the following statement is not correct.
A. Mega spore mother cell divides by meiosis and form four megaspore. 
B. One functional megaspore is responsible for the development of complete female gametophyte. 
C.   Out of four megaspore, one is degenerated and three remain functional.
D. Monosporic development is development of female gametophyte from single functional megaspore.
Answer  : C Explanation 

10. Consider the following statement and select the correct code:
1. Mega spore mother divides by the mitosis and form four megaspore in form of tetrad.
2. Functional megaspore divides by meiosis to form two nuclei and form 2 - nucleate embryo sac.
A. Only 1   B. Only 2
C. Both 1 and 2 
D. Neither 1 nor 2 
Answer :  D Explanation 

11. 2 - nucleate embryo sac result the  formation of 4 nucleate and than 8 nucleate embryo sac by 
A. One motitic  nuclear divison 
B. Two mitotic nuclear division
C. Three mitotic nuclear division
D. No mitotic nuclear division.
Answer : B Explanation 

12. How many statements are correct .
1. Mitotic divison during embryo sac development is free nuclear up to 8 nucleate embryo sac not followed by cell wall formation.
2. After 8 nucleate embryo sac, cell wall formation take place in six nuclei.
3. Remaining two nuclei are organised in form of polar nuclei and enclosed by the small central cell.
4. Polar nuclei are located lat above of egg apparatus.
A. one             B. Two
C. Three         D. Four
Answer : B   Explanation 

13. Which of the following statement is not correct with the  respect to synergid located at micropyle region.
A. Three cells are organised and form synergid at micropyle end.
B. Syergids  have cellular thickening called filiform appratus .
C. Synerdids  has one  egg cell  located at lower of syergids.
D. Pollen tube release two male gamete in cytoplasm of syergids.
Answer : C Explanation 

14. Egg apparatus consist of :
A. Synergids and egg cell.
B. Filiform appratus and egg cell.
C. Antipodal cells and synergids.
D. Polar nuclei and egg cell.
Answer : A Explanation 

15. Which of the following structure guides the  entry of pollen tube in to ovule.
A. Antipodal cell
B. Synergids
C. Filiform appratus.
D. Synergids 
Answer : C Explanation 

20. A typical angiosperm embryo sac is:
A. 8 nucleate  -7 Celled
B. 7 nucleated- 8 Celled
C. 8 nucleated- 8 Celled
D. 7 nucleate - 7 celled
Answer : A Explanation 

21. Which of the following statement is correct.
A. Three antipodal cells are located at micropyle region.
B. Two  polar nuclei are enclosed in small central cell.
C. Syergids is located at micropyle end whereas egg cell is located at chalaza ends.
D. Central cell enclosing polar nuclei signifies  7 celled embryo sac.
Answer : D Explanation 
