Female reproductive organs in flowering plants Megasporogenesis.

Female reproductive organs in flowering plant

  • In flowering plants, the female reproductive structure is a pistil.

  • It is also located on the receptacle inside the flower. A pistil is differentiated into three parts - Style, stigma  and ovary.

  • Ovary is the basal and swollen part in which the embryo sac is enclosed inside the ovule.

Structure of ovule

  • A typical ovule is described as megasporangium.

  • Ovule has a stalk at the lower end called the funicle.

  • By funicle, the ovule is attached to the ovary through the placenta.

  • Ovule is covered by more than one envelope. These envelopes are termed as integuments. The cell of Integuments is called a nucellus.

  • Integuments make complete covering over the ovule except a narrow opening. This opening is called micropyle.

  • Hence the end where the micropyle is located is called the micropylar end. There is a chalazal end opposite to the micropylar end.


  • At the time reproduction , one of cell of nucleus is differentiated and act as megaspore mother cells.

  • This megaspore undergoes meiotic division and produces four megaspore.

  • Out of four megaspore, three are degenerated and one remains functional and proceeds the process of megasporogenesis.

  • The formation of an embryo sac from a single functional megaspore is called Monosporic development.

  • Megasporogenesis is quite different from the microsporogenesis.

  • Now functional megaspore undergoes two sequential mitotic divisions.

  • As a result,  first two nuclei, followed by four and finally eight nuclei are formed after two sequential mitotic divisions.

  • When two nuclei are formed form the functional megaspore. This is called a two nuclei celled stage embryo sac and followed by four and Eight nuclei stages formed after the two sequential mitotic division.

  • With the formation of eight nuclei, Now these nuclei are moved at different locations of developing embryo sac.

  • Out of eight nuclei,Three are moved at the chalazal end and formed antipodal cells. 

  • And three are grouped at the micropylar end and form egg apparatus.The egg apparatus is made up of two synergids and one egg cell.

  • Remaining two nuclei are called polar nuclei. These nuclei are moved at the centre and enclosed in a large central cell.

  • In this way, a complete embryo sac or female gametophyte is formed.

  • A typical embryo sac has eight nucleus and seven cells. Thus the embryo sac is eight nucleate and seven celled.

