What is pollination ? Sexual reproduction in plants
- The transfer of pollen grains from Anther to stigma is called pollination. Flowering plants have special adaptation to achieve pollination.
- Depending upon source of pollen, pollination is of three type-
- It refers to the transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma in the same flower.
- It is a type of self pollination. The flower in which anthers and stigma are , exposed, complete autogamy is rare.
- There should be Synchronisation in pollen release and stigma receptivity. Anther and stigma should be located close to each other.
Xenogamy -
- It is pollination in which there is a transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of different flowers but in the same plant.
Geitonogamy -
- it means the transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of different plants.
- It is functionally a cross pollination because it occurs by involvement of pollinating agents but it is similar to autogamy because pollen grain come from same plant.
- Both Autogamy and geitonogamy are discouraged because both do not lead to genetic variability.
- Xenogamy leads to genetic variability so This kind of pollination is encouraged by the plant breeders and nature.
- In flowering plants, pollen grains are not motile so they cannot move themselves towards the stigma.
- To achieve the pollination, pollen grains need biotic and abiotic agents. Biotic agents are animals, insects , birds, bats etc. Whereas Abiotic agents are wind, water etc.
- Majority of plants use biotic agents for Pollination. Some of the plants uses Abiotic agents for the pollination.
- To ensure the pollination and compensate the loss of pollination, anther produces large amount of pollination.
Agents of Pollination
- It is pollination by wind. The plants in which pollination takes place by wind , have some special characteristics.
- The pollen grains are non sticky and light in weight for easy transportation by wind current.
- The stigma of these plants are feathery for easily capturing the pollen grain that is carried by wind current.
- The stamen are well exposed for easily dispersal of pollen grain in wind.
- Flowers are arranged in inflorescence and have a single ovule in the ovary. Example -Corn, Palm, Maize, grasses, etc.
- It means pollination by water. Water pollination is rare and limited.
- It is found in about 30 species and mostly in Monocotyledons.
- Bryophytes , algae and pteridophytes are also uses water for the transportation of male gamete.
- Plants like Ceratophyllum, Zostera, whose both male and female flowers are generally submerged in water, have the phenomenon of hydrophily.
- When pollination of flowers takes place below the water called Hypo hydrophily.
- In ceratophyllum, stamens are separated from flowers and float upwards. The anthers rupture and pollen grains are liberated.
- These pollens are trapped by the stigma. In Zostera, pollen grains are needle-like and reach the stigma for pollination.
- When pollination occurs at the surface of water it is called epihydrophily.
- In vallisneria, the female flowers are long and reach the water surface to receive the pollen grains carried by water currents.
- Male flowers are small and submerged in water.
- When it releases the pollen, pollen comes to the water surface and reaches the female flower.
- The plants in which pollination takes place by water , have some special characteristics.
- The pollen grains are ribbon shaped for easy transportation by water current.
- Pollen grains are covered by the mucilaginous covering for getting protection from wetting.
Remember 👌👌In water hyacinth or Eichhornia and water lily, pollination takes place by wind or insect.
- It is pollination by insects .The plants in which pollination takes place by insects , have some special characteristics.
- The flowers are large, sticky and colorful to more visiting insects.
- Flowers are rich in nectar and fragrances to attract the insect.
- The flower offers rewards in the form of nectar and pollen grains for insects. In turn, flowers provide a safe place for egg laying insects.
- Amorphophallus is tallest flower which provide safe place to lay egg of insect. Amorphophallus is 6 feet in height.
- Yucca plants and moths are both dependent on each other. Both can not complete their life cycle without each other. Yucca provide a safe place for the eggs of moths in the locule of ovaries.
- When larvae hatch out from the egg then they feed the seeds of the yucca plants. In turn, moths pollinate the yucca plants and carry out the pollination process.
- It is pollination by the birds like humming birds, sun birds etc.
- These birds regularly visit the flower silk cotton tree, coral tree, etc.
- Ornithophilous flowers are cup shaped or urn shaped and produce more nector to make continuity of visit of birds. Ornithophilous flowers are brighter in colour to attract the birds .
- It is pollination by bats . Tree like Anthocephalus Chinense, kigelia , Bauhinia and night blooming plants are pollinated by the bats.
- The bats visit on these plants to eat the parts of flowers or search of moths and pollinates these plants.
Chasmogamous and Cleistogamous flower
- In Viola or Common pansy, Oxalis and Commelina in which two types of flowers ie Chasmogamous and Cleistogamous flowers are found.
- In chasmogamous, Anther and stigma are well exposed and flowers opens completely.
- In cleistogamous flower, Anther and stigma are not well exposed and flowers do not open completely.
- Cleistogamous flowers are autogamous flowers and have no the chance of cross pollination.
- Cleistogamy is a disadvantage because it does not lead genetic variation. Cleiostogamous produce seed without the involvement of pollinator
Very helpful content sir