NEET: Multiple Choice question: Seed and seed dormancy

1. Seed is often described as 

A. Bitegmic Ovule
B. Fertilised Ovule
C. Unilocular ovary
D. Fertilised ovary 
Answer : C Explanation 

2. Consider the following structure of a typical present and select the correct code:
1. Seed coat
2. Cotyledons 
3. Embryo axis
A. 1 and 2     B. 2 and 3
C. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1 and 3
Answer: C Explanation 

3. How many statement is/ are correct.
1. Non albumunous seed has remain of endosperm.
2. In Albumunous seed, endosperm is not completely consumed during embryo development. 
3. In legume plant, cotyledon get swollen due to storage of food.
4. The remnants of nucellus is called Perisperm.
A. Two       B. One
C. Three     D. Four
Answer : C Explanation 

4.  Example of non albumunous or ex albumunous seed are :
A. Maize and wheat 
B. Pea and Groundnut 
C.Barley and Castor
D.Pea and Castor 
Answer: B Explanation 

5. In which of the following seed, endosperm is remain present .
A. Maize
D. All of the above 
Andwer: D Explanation 

6. Perisperm is remain of nucellus present in
A. Black pepper and Beet
B. Maize and Wheat
C. Pea and Groundnut
D. Castor and Barley
Answer: A Explanation 

7. Which part of ovule get hard and form protective seed coat.
A. Chalaza  B. Integuments
C. Micropyle D. Hilum
Answer: B Explanation 

8. Which of the following statement is not correct.
A. Hilum remain as pore in seed coat and make available water and  oxygen during seed germination.
B. At Maturation of seed, water content is reduced and seed become dry.
C.Due to lack of water and oxygen, metabolic activity become down.
D. Embryo of seed may attain a period of inactivity called dormant period due to inadequate supply of water and oxygen.
Answer: A Explanation 

9. Consider the following statement and select the correct code:
1. Hard seedcoat protect the young embryo.
2. Seed has new genetic recombination and lead to variation.
3. Dehydration and Dormancy are important for the storage of seed.
A. 1 and 2    B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 4    D. 1, 2 and 3
Answer : D Explanation 

10. Seed of Lupinus arcticus was excavated from Arctic tundra and germinated after dormancy of 
A. 10000 years
B. 5000 years
C. 100 years
D. 500 years
Answer : A Explanation 

11. A seed of date palm, Phoenix dactylifera, was discovered at King Herod Palace near Dead sea. That was germinated after dormant of :
A. 500 years
B.600 years
C. 700 years
D. 2000 years
Answer : D Explanation 

12.  Consider the following species of plants having many seeds and select the correct code.
1. Orchid    2. Striga
3. Orchid  4. Orobanche
A. 1,2,3  and 4
B. 2,3 and 4
C. 3 and 4
D. 1, 3 and 4
Answer : A Explanation

13. Consider the following diagram and select the correct option 

A. I - Pericarp, II - Radicle
B. III- Scutellum, I - Plumule
C. I -  pericarp, II - Endosperm
D.IV- Coleorrhiza, II - Pericarp
Answer :  C
