Domestication and rearing of Sus domestica - Piggery

The domestication mestication and rearing of pig  or Sus scrofa domesticus for commercial purposes is called piggery. Pig has been widely used as diet by various tribes. Piggery stands at good position among the small scale industry because pig is cheapest and best among the farm animals.

The oestrus cycle of pig is completed with in 20 to 21 days in normal condition. In mature pig the vulva start to swell due to release of orstrin hormone by the follicles.

During this period if female pig mates two time than youg ones are produced more than normal mating. The mating period takes 3 to 25 minutes. For successful ejaculation, mating must not be disturbed.

Remember 👌👌 low fertility of pig is due to foetal atrophy which is genetic recessive disorder.

Matured and healthy boar is allowed to mate with dummy female and semen is collected from vagina of dummy female. In this mating 200cc semen is produced by the healthy male.

Artificial fertilization 

The semen is stored at about 40 to 50 degree Fahrenheit up to four days but fertility of semen is decreased after the 24 hours of collection. The semen is diluted with 6 per cent of the  glucose before use for artificial fertilization. The semen is saturated with carbon di oxide is sealed ampules at 60 degrees Fahrenheit which give fifty per cent result after a week of storage.

Milk production and growth

Female pregnant pig release lactogenic hormone from anterior pituitary.  This hormone change the metabolism of mammary gland  which start to produce milk. The oxytocin hormone result the release of milk by the breast. The milk of pig is more concentrated  than the cow and contain 10 per cent of fat. The teats at anterior ends release more milk than the teats of posterior ends. The maximum production of milk  has been recorded in third week of lactation.

The weight of new born individuals is about one to six pounds. The supplementary feed should be allowed after 25 days but the good growth in early development stages play important role for the development in length muscle weight of the pigs so upto the age of 25 days young pig should be given high nutritive and easily digestible diet. The young pig with the weight of 50 pounds feed less nutritive diet for the fast growth to attain the maximum weight.

Slaughter of pig

Prior of killing, the pig should be kept on starvation for 24 days and given complete rest to get standard  product. The  slaughtering is carried by making it unconscious by a hard stroke on heads and piercing a knife in the neck the shed the blood out of its jugular vein. It now cleaned in hot water and cut open to separate the various parts for different preparations.

Product of piggery 

Pork is flesh of pig and is extracted from different parts of body and called by a specific name. Bacon is obtained from the back and sides whereas Ham is flesh of back of thigh.

Bristles are produced from wiry and stiff hairs of pigs and wild boar. Hard bristles are made from hairs of back and neck and soft bristles are made soft hairs of belly. The rough and coarse  bristles are made from slaughterd pig and used in varnish work and painting brushes.

Sausage are prepared from fresh pork, bone free pork and skin. For the preparation of sausage, usually shoulder piece ham and bacon are preferred. The sausage are prepared by washing cooking and mixing the pork spices like white pepper and paprika to make it delicious.

Lard is squeezed fat from body tissue of pig.  Carcasses are cut into pieces and boiled  over a Furance and fat is removed carefully when it is boiling hot. Lard is used in manufacturing of soap lubricant candle grease and water proof materials.

The pig toe nails are used for making tobacco fertilizer plaster and other plastic materials.


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