Evidence of Evolution from Physiology and Biochemistry

Most Scientist related to evolution advocated that evolution mainly got support from morphological evidence.

It is also true that morphological outcome is the result of Biochemical and physiological changes which can be done from zygote to death of any organism.  Shape, size structure, color of body are expressions of physiological and biochemical processes.

The chemistry of protoplasm, nucleic acid and chromosome as the genetic material and ATP as carrier of energy is uniform in all the organism. This uniformity of Biochemical material explains the concept of evolution.

A large number of Biocatalyst or enzymes are similar in all plants and animals.The energy producing biochemical reactions are almost similar in all organisms.

Trypsin is a protein digestive enzyme common from Protozoa to Mammals. Similarly, A starch digestive enzyme Amylase is found from Sponge to Mama's.

Remember ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐ŸฝTrypsin is also called an Ancient enzyme.

There is a proximity in hormones. Basically, various types of chemical antigen  is injected by various organism in the body of another organism and it stimulates the immune system of recipients. But the thyroxine hormone acts normally inside the body of any living organism when it is injected.

When hemoglobin is treated with glacial acetic acid, hemoglobin is precipitated in blood in the form of crystals.These crystals in all members of species are similar in shape, size and structure but these are different in other species. These differences led to the classification of animals and accepted their phylogenetic relationship.

Cytochrome is found in mitochondria of all organism.This protein is made up of 104 to 112 amino acids.The sequence of these amino acids have been  ldetermined by R.E.Dikerson in organisms like  man rabbit penguin snake fish moths.The sequence in man is different from the monkey at one place and from the wheat plant at thirty five places.

Similarity and dissimilarity in blood protein are determined by the serological precipitation test. If the serum of man is injected into the body of the rabbit in small doses then this serum acts as an antigen and the blood of the rabbit makes antibodies against this antigen, called antiserum.

If serum of ape monkey pig birds reptiles frog and fishes is mixed with antiserum will also give precipitation but in gradually reducing amount. It is because fewer blood protein resembling those of man occur in these animals in that order and thus their more and more distant phylogenic relatioship with man are proved.



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