Methods to prevent the meeting of sperm and eggs, Contraceptive methods


  • Contraceptive methods are those methods that - prevent the process of fertilization or prevent the meeting of sperm and ovum or prevent the settlement of unwanted pregnancy or Control the birth rate  or widely used in family planning.

  • Contraceptive methods are of different types. These methods are broadly categorised into - Natural contraceptive methods, Barrier contraceptive methods Intra uterine device IUDs, Surgical contraceptive method, oral taken contraceptive methods etc.

Natural methods -

  • These methods are based on natural facts and do not require any chemical or surgical alternatives. These methods include :

Periodic abstinence -

  • This is the method under which sexual intercourse or coitus is avoided between tenth to seventeen day of the menstrual cycle because there are strong chances for fertilization. This period is also called the fertile period.

Withdrawal interruptus  or coitus interruptus

  • In these methods, male partner withdraws his penis from the female genital tract during coitus at the time of ejaculation before insemination.

Lactational amenorrhoea-

  • It is the period of lactation after the parturition. During this period there is no menstruation so there is no chance of fertilization  during this period.

Barrier methods-

  • Barrier methods are one of the common methods that are used as contraceptives.
  • These barriers act as physical barriers to prevent the meeting of sperm and ova. If sperm are prevented from meeting an egg,pregnancy can not be settled.
  • Condoms are the most well-known type of barrier method. Other well known barrier methods are cervical caps, vault , Diaphragm  etc.


  • It can be applied by both male and females. Male condoms are placed in such a way that covers the penis completely before the sexual intercourse. So Semen of male can not be inseminated in the female vagina. 

  • Female condoms are plaed inside the vagina, and form a barrier to the sperm during sex. 

Diaphragms and  cervical caps -

  • These devices  are placed at the top of the vagina before having semen of male partner can not be entered into female genital tract Consquently fertilization can not occur.


  • It is made up of rubber or plastic cap with a thick rim. It is fitted over the  vagina in such a way it covers the cervix completely before coitus.

Intrauterine devices-

  • These devices are inserted by the medical expert or trained nurses into the female genetic tract.

  • These devices prevent meeting of sperm and ova and chances of pregnancy settlement.These devices are of following types-

Non medicated IUDs-

  • Lippes Loop is non medicated IUDs. These devices are made up of  plastic or steel.
  • These are placed in the uterus of the female by a medical expert or  doctor.

Copper releasing IUDs-

  • These IUDs are also placed in the female genital tract by doctor. These IUDs release copper ions.

  • These ions suppress or retard the motility of sperm in the female genital tract. Cu7,CuT, Multiload 375 are examples of copper releasing IUDs.

Hormone releasing IUDs

  • Progestasert, LNG 20 are Hormone releasing IUDs. These devices release hormones that make the uterus unsuitable for implantation.

Oral contraceptive methods

  • A combination of synthetic hormones of progestogen and estrogen or progesterone alone are given in the form of pills orally.

  • These pills are taken regularly.These pills are taken regularly upto 21 days or 28 days from the fifth day of the menstrual cycle.

  • These pills work by the following methods-    
  • The synthetic  hormones prevent  ovaries from releasing a mature egg during ovulation. 

  • These synthetic hormone produces mucus on the outside of cervix which can prevent sperm from entering your uterus.

  • The uterine lining is also thinned, which can prevent a fertilized egg from attaching.

By injection under the skin

  • A combination of either progestogen and estrogen or progestogen alone  is also administered under the skin.This method is applied in emergency termination of pregnancy.

Surgical method 

  • These methods are also called sterilisation. These are permanent contraceptives . It is of two types.


  • In this method, a small portion of Vas deferens in male is cut and tied up through a small incision on scrotum. These methods prevent the transportation of sperm from testes through the vas deferens.


  • In this method, a small portion of fallopian or oviduct  in females is cut and tied up through a small incision on Abdomen .

  • These methods prevent the transportation of eggs from the ovary   through the fallopian tube.


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