Polyembryony , Its type and example

  • In plants, polyembryony wasfirst reported by Anton von Leuwenhoek in orange.

  • The occurrence of more than one embryo in ovule or seed or fertilised ovum is termed polyembryony.
  • In several gymnosperms, polyembryony is frequently seen.  
  • In some species of plants, a diploid egg cell is formed without reduction division and developed in embryo without fertilization.
  • In Citrus and Mango, some of the nuceller cells around the embryo sac, start dividing and protrude in to embryo sac and develop in to embryo.
  • In citrus, each ovule contains many embryo.
  • In the majority of the gymnosperms there are two or more archegonia present  in a female gametophyte so each archegonium contains two or more eggs.

  • During the fertilization, two or more eggs are fertilized. As a result, two or more  embryos are developed.  But only one embryo is flourished  and remaining embryos are degenerated  during the development.

  • Polyembryony is of  two types

Types of polyembryony

  • Induced Polyembryony comprises experimentally or artificially polyembryony that is induced externally.
  • Spontaneous Polyembryony is natural polyembryony.

  • Webber  described the process of polyembryony into three types. 

  • Cleavage Polyembryony is the development of the number of embryos  from a single fertilized egg.Ex- Gymnosperm.

  • Simple Polyembryony is the development of the number of embryos  due to  fertilization of more than two archegonia. For Ex- Brassica Rosette Polyembryony is the development of additional embryos from the rosette cells. Ex-Pinus.

  • Adventive polyembryony is development of the embryo from the cell of nucellus or integuments. Ex-Mangifera and Opuntia.
👌👌Remember Polyembryony is also marked in several order of gymnosperms like Cycadales, Coniferales Taxales Gnetales. 

Theories of polyembryony

  • There are various theories to explain the polyembryony.

  • These theories also reveal about the cause of polyembryony.

  • According to the Necro hormone Theory, nucellus is degenerated, this degeneration induces adjacent cells to undergo repeated division and form many embryos.

  • This theory explains the formation of adventive embryos. 

  • Hybridisation Theory leads  to recombination of genes where a single unit is formed, which creates multiple embryos.

  • The Significance of Polyembryony are as -
  • It is particularly useful for the propagation of certain species of plants. 

  • Adventive embryos retain characteristics of the parent plant, and are used to create genetically uniform seedlings of citrus and mango.

  • In the case of citrus, grafts from other types are also used in building of  stock.
