Parthenocarpy - Types, Example , Defination, Advantages

Parthenocarpy -  Types,  Example , Defination, Advantages  

  • Parthenocarpy has a great effect on parts of plants, especially on the ovule.

  • After the fertilisation, the ovary is developed into fruit. In some plants , fruits are developed without the process of fertilization.

  • The fruits that are developed without fertilization are called parthenocarpic fruit and the process is called parthenocarpy.

  • Parthenocarpy was defined by Winkler and term was given by Noll.

  • In Banana, citrus, grapes and in some species of apple and pear, 

  • Parthenocarpic fruits are developed. In addition to this Pineapple,  cucumber, watermelon, orange, grapefruit, , fig are some examples of Parthenocarpy.

  • These  fruits are developed without fertilization 

  • Parthenocarpic fruits may be produced due to - absence of fertilization, failure of fertilization and zygotic sterility.

  • Parthenocarpic fruit are of great significance in horticulture. These fruits have more edible parts than normal fruit but Parthenocarpic fruits are seedless.

  • Parthenocarpy is induced by the  plant growth hormones auxin and gibberellic acid.  This hormone causes the  maturation of the ovaries without the process of fertilization  and stimulates the process of formation of fruits

  • Plant hormones gibberellin, auxin and cytokinin can often stimulate the development of parthenocarpic fruit. This is called artificial parthenocarpy.

  • Plant hormones are frequently  used to produce parthenocarpic fruit on a commercial scale within a short time.

  • Bananas are a good example of parthenocarpy. 

  • These fruits of bananas are sterile and developed without the function of ovaries and do not produce seeds.

  • Pineapples and figs are also examples of parthenocarpy which occur naturally.

  • Vegetative and Stimulative parthenocarpy are two types of parthenocarpy. 

  • Vegetative Parthenocarpy  takes place without the process of   pollination. Due to the absence of pollination, no seeds are produced within the fruits.

  • Stimulative parthenocarpy occurs without the process of fertilization.

  • In stimulative parthenocarpy, the plants can produce fruits only after being stimulated either through pollination or any other means.

  • Examples of this type of parthenocarpy are seen in seedless watermelon.

Advantages of parthenocarpy-

  • It provides seedless fruits with good  quality with in less price. This improves crop yield without using organic pesticides.

  • Plant growth regulators are natural and they produced fruits produced at large scale.

  • Parthenocarpy provides protection to plants from insects and pests.

  • Parthenocarpy reduces the dependency of pollinators because there is no requirement of pollinating insects for the formation of fruits. 

  • Parthenocarpy also  protects the plants from being attacked by pesticides.


  1. Awesome sir a great bunch of knowledge..


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