Malaria , types and control of Malaria


  • Malaria is caused by a Protozoan Plasmodium vivax.

  • It is a digenetic parasite because it completes its life cycle in two hosts. First host is Human and second is Female Anopheles.
  • Asexual phase of life cycle of plasmodium take place in Human whereas Sexual phase takes place in Mosquito. 

  • Due to the occurrence of sexual phase, Mosquito is regarded as the primary host.

Sexual phase of life cycle of plasmodium

  • When an infected Anopheles mosquito bites a healthy person then it introduces sporozoite in the body of the person.

  • This sporozoite has a single nucleus and is covered by an elastic cuticle.These sporozoites make entry into the liver where they produce cryptozoite.

  • Now these cryptozoites multiply asexually by the Schizogony and form crypto merozoites.

  • Crypto merozoite enter into new liver cells and produce asexually Meta crypto merozoites and micro crypto merozoite.

  • Out of these, Micro crypto merozoite enter into the blood stream and make target to Red blood cells. .

  • Here these Micro crypto merozoites assume disc-like shape with single vacuole and give ring-like appearance. This stage is called signet ring stage.

  • Now parasites start to feed Red blood cells and assume amoeboid stage or trophozoite stage.

  • The mature trophozoite develops into a Schizont. Schizont multiplies asexually by the erythrocytic schizogony.

  • Schizont loses its pseudopodia and its nucleus divides to form a large number of merozoites . This stage is called the rosette stage.

  • Merozoite again makes entry in fresh RBC and produces more merozoite.

  • During this stage,A chemical is also released  due to bursting of RBC called is responsible for chilling and high fever during Malaria. 
  • Few merozoites produce two of gametocytes. Macro gametocyte and microgametocyte.

  • Macro and micro gametocyte are considered as female and male gametocytes

Asexual phase of life cycle of plasmodium

  • When a female anopheles bites a patient of malaria , gametocytes are ingested by mosquito and reach in the stomach.

  • Where macro and micro gametocytes are fused after the further development and a zygote is formed.

  • After some period of inactivity, Zygote is changed into ookinete stage and covered by a cyst.

  • This stage undergoes  sporogony. In the sporogony, its nucleus divides repeatedly and forms a large number of sporozoite.

  • After the bursting of cyst, sporozoite is liberated and stored in the salivary gland of the mosquito.

  • When Anopheles bites a healthy person sporozoite is injected into the body of the person and ready for the next life cycle.


Types of Malaria

  • Benign and tertian malaria caused by the P. Vivax in tropical and subtropical countries.

  • Quartan Malaria is caused by the P. malariae and tertian malaria is caused by the P.ovale in West Africa and South America.

  • Malignant tertian malaria is caused by P.falciparum.It is most fatal and also called Pernicious or Estivo Autumnal malaria.  

Control of Malaria 

  • It can be controlled by destroying  the secondary host .

  • Mosquitoes can be killed by the spraying of pyrethrum and other insecticides at mosquito breeding places like pools, ditches and drains . The larva of mosquitoes can be killed by the larvicides.

  • Antimalarial drugs Quinine, Darapine, paludrine are used to kill sporozoite stage before development .
  • Some natural enemies like GAMBUSIA fish  are introduced in mosquito inhabiting place under the Biological control.
