Microbes in formation of Toddy, Curd, Dough etc.

Microbes in formation of Toddy, Curd, Dough etc.

  • Microbes are very tiny organisms that can not be seen by naked eye but they can be visible with the help of a microscope.

  • Microbes are used in the formation of various household products like Toddy, Dough etc. Microbes are cosmopolitan ( found everywhere) in nature.

  • It means they are found in soil, water, air etc. Even they are found in such environments where we may feel trouble for surviving like thermal springs and also polar ice caps. 

  • Microbes is a word that is collectively used for small organisms like bacteria, virus fungi,  Protozoa etc.
  • If we draw a picture of microbes in mind hypothetically, We immediate think, microbes are disease causing organisms  but it's not true. 

  • Microbes are widely used in various areas. Here I am giving an account about the use of microbes in the household.

Bacteria used in formation  of  Curd -

  • Bacteria are used in the formation of curd from milk. A well known bacteria Lactobacillus that is responsible for formation of curd from milk. 

  • When we pour a small amount of curd into milk. This small amount of curd is known as inoculum. Inoculum contains a million numbers of bacteria that multiply and partially digest the milk protein casein. This process converts milk into curd.

  • This  process requires a suitable temperature.

  • Lactobacillus is also called Lactic Acid Bacteria ( LAB) and these bacteria maintain nutritional quality of curd. L. acidophilus, L. helveticus, L. plantarum are other species of lactobacillus.
Read about the use of microbes as Biocontrol agents

Bacteria used in formation  of  Dough -

  • Dough is another product of microbes and is extensively used in the formation of Dosa, idli, Dhokla, bakery's bread. 

  • Dough is also formed by the fermentation of Bacteria. During the process of  fermentation , Carbon dioxide is released. This gas provides a puffy appearance to dough.
  • All microbes that produce  acids are used in making good bread quality.

  • The  sour dough that is produced by the  Lactobacillus,  generates  high and good quality of acids that makes the  bread  good in and quality.

👌👌Remember -  the  acetic acid has a great importance on the bread taste, whereas lactic acid is less important

  • The  sour doughs  is fermented by the  Lactobacillus alimentarius and Leuconostoc dextranicum. 

  • The bread in which the sour dough is involved, have a stronger taste and also good in aromatic .

  • The bread  with sour dough is  fermented with these microbes, has  the highest amounts of acetic acid. This bread has ability to prevent growth of the mould.

Fungi used in the formation  of  Soy Sauce

  •  Soy sauce is obtained by fermentation of soybean and Wheat. This time fermentation is carried out by a fungus Aspergillus oryzae. 

  • A popular food In Indonesia is also prepared by the fermentation of soybean and Wheat with the presence of Rhizopus, a fungi Swiss cheese is also obtained by a  bacteria Propionibacterium shermanii.

  • This cheese looks great with its large hole. These large holes are also created by the releasing of carbon di oxide. 

Bacteria used in formation  of  Toddy -

  • Toddy is a traditional drink that is prevalent in southern india. It is also prepared by  the microbes  Phoenix sylvestris by fermentation of sap of date palm. 

  • There are many such examples in daily routine that are not possible without the microbes therefore Microbes are widely used in the welfare of humans in different ways.
